1. Remember why do you want to start beauty business?
- Earn extra pocket money
- Prefer flexible working hour
- Your passion
- To help you achieve your goals
What is CFT Products :
- Color - Avon True : Suitable for age 26 and above and love makeup. Simply Pretty : suitable for age 15 – 25 years old, the product a bit lighter, and more for the beginner
- Fragrance - Eau de Parfum (EDP), Eau De Toilette (EDT), Body MistPurse concentre (PC), Perfume rod, Fragrance Talcom, Fragrance lotion
- Skincare - ANEW, Naturals, Nutraeffects, Clearskin
- Personal care - haircare, bodycare, feminin wash, footcare,
What is NCFT Products :
- Intimates Apparel
- Wellness
- Home
- Style wear
3. Sales tools :
(Insert image 3 type brochure)a. Brochure : For you to share with your customer
b. What’s up flyer : For you to share with your customer
c. Shop & Earn : Only For you (Avon Reps)
- Exclusive offer
- Monthly incentives
- Program challenge
- Product information
- Demo
- Product Samples
- Product sales & Training
Our existing Avon Representative told us it is much easier to start with your family & friends
5. Share this tips to you customers : Target pulse points and warm areas on your body when spraying perfume it helps you to smell amazing all the time! Or find out more
Don’t forget the secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine!